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The "County Committee" describes the Voting Members of the Clayton County Republican Party.


If you identify with the Georgia Republican Party Platform, you're automatically considered part of the Republican Party, but to join the County Committee and become a Voting Member, you must satisfy the requirements set forth in our bylaws. Meetings of the County Committee are held on the last Thursday of each month unless otherwise specified and called by the Chairman.

To receive updates about our meetings, sign up for our emails, or follow us online!


Paid members of the Clayton County Republican Party seeking new voting membership on the Clayton County Republican Committee must:

  1. Attend three (3) regular or duly called County Committee Meetings during the calendar year in which they seek Committee Membership, and

  2. Be an elected Precinct Officer.


Annual Dues Effective for each Calendar Year after 2020 will be $35 per person OR if more than one member resides at the same address, $60 for two members, $80 for three with a household cap at $100.


Dues and donations may be paid by cash, check, or online

If you or someone you know would like to register to vote, please contact us!

The Clayton County Republican Executive Board


Vicki Temple, Chairman

Tommy Smith, 1st Vice Chairman

Philip Call, 2nd Vice Chairman

Trudy Smith, Secretary

Nelda Dunson, Assistant Secretary

Wilford Ashley, Treasurer

Garrett Ashley, Immediate Past Chairman

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