" They're called 'Poll Watchers' and they're a
very good thing." -President Donald J. Trump
Because CCGARP has no representation on the Clayton County Board of Elections and Registration, we need at least 142 POLL WATCHERS to hold the Democrats in control accountable. This will allow us to have two poll watchers assigned to each of our SEVENTY PRECINCTS and two poll watchers to observe the tabulating center. (GA Code § 21-2-408)
You don't have to live in Clayton County to volunteer with us. You can choose to observe at one location, or multiple precincts. You can volunteer for all three weeks or just one day. You can go early in the morning and watch the Clerks set up, in the evening to watch them pack up, or stay all day if you've got the stamina.
If you choose to volunteer with us, we'll make sure you're properly trained and ready to spot any irregularities or problems at the polls and what to do in those instances. Help keep our elections secure and fair, and in 2024 we'll #KeepGeorgiaRed!